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Latest Medical Technology & Treatment
“Latest Medical Technology & Treatment” medical seminar at Himawari Hotel in Cambodia
organised by #Medicus Network in conjunction with #StarMed Specialist Centre.
Medicus introduced Telehealth Referral Services to the Khmer public and StarMed Specialist Centre featured their facilities and services in Singapore.
Our hybrid Telehealth Service enables patients to receive advice (with evidence based medical reports) from any of the 100 specialists on our portal without leaving the country and make informed decisions. Local doctors at the telehealth hubs are then able to do necessary follow-up or preparation for elective treatment.
Together a combined team of six specialists shared information about the latest medical treatment options and technology:

Dr Lim Chong Hee

Dr Shanker Pasupathy

Dr Lim Choon Pin

Dr Lynette Ngo

Dr Christopher Kong

Dr Eileen Tay
Met our objectives with a lively Q & A session during the event and a One-on-One Enquiry tea session with visiting #specialists the following day.